Justuju Tv جستجو ٹی وی


Monday, June 15, 2009

Community Progress: New Guard Cabin and Garbage Swivel Drums


For past many months it was seen that at times the garbage collector is unable to collect the trash due to two main reasons:

1- No electricity, so the bell does not ring
2- The residents are unable to answer the trashman call in time

Thus Hashim Syed raised this proposal about 6 month ago. Why not we install our own garbage drums outside each home on the street. Let the residents place the garbage at their convenience at night or early morning.

Then the trashman would collect the garbage from there, without disturbance.

The idea caught on, and our sweet Iqbal Qureshi, B-33, executed it in a very fine manner. We had seen nice swivel drums in city gardens, especially in Nisar Park, DHA. So similar ones were ordered. Each cost us Rs. 1800.

Now, we faced a problem of communication. Each household needs its own drum. So that they would not pile up their dirt in front of other neighbours. It seems, we were not able to communicate this matter in time.

Thus some people, surprised by the development, refused its installation near their homes. Another issue is parking space, which could be compromised a bit, due to the drums. But this is not a great problem right now.

So, dear neighbour, if you have refused to install the personal trash drum near your own home, you legally do not have a right to dump your home trash in these drums. But we urge you to do so on an experimental basis. Use them.

Once you are convinced that this is a good thing, allow us to install one near your own home.

You will note that in each developed society of the world, this is normal. Even there are very large trash cans for each street, where the residents have to go out and dump their trash. Each day municipality vehicle comes and collects the big garbage trunk using its trucks.


Now we have a small decorately painted one man guard cabin next to B-39. Thanks are due to Khwaja Saheb, and his family, for allowing its installation. Our guard used to remain in hot sun before, now he may have some respite. This has cost . Rs.


Zahid Razi, B-95, has taken up the maintenance of accounts on his computers. We are thankful to him.

We plan to place these accounts on a private website, only accessible by invitation to the members of the Community on our street.


Gulsher returned two days ago. He had extended his 10 day leave by one day.

Also Mehrab had returned within 36 hours, after taking his sick brother to Sanghar.


Somehow, our active neighbour Zahid Razi had decided to reduce monthly contribution from 1500 to 1350. This matter was not consulted widely. As we need to increase our municipal services, this contribution needs to be revsied again.


We plan to have good handyman for our street. He might handle Gardening, Cleaning, and assist the guards in their day time duties. Then we can remove all the Gardeners and the Trashman who have very low service levels.

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